Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good Friday

On the morning of Good Friday , Dr. Tadvick came in and decided that I was going to go ahead and have my c-section at 10:00. I was dilated, contracting every 3 minutes, and he was worried that I was about to go into labor...and I did not want that!! We went into the operating room and I had the most wonderful nurse. She was the same nurse that was wonderful when Kasey and Janna were in the NICU..I was very excited and knew that Carra and Kynle would be well taken care of! It was a very good thing that I did not go into labor, Carra was wrapped around the cord twice. Carra was born at 10:55 a.m and was 4.14 pounds and 18 inches long. Two minutes later, after Dr. Tadvick unwrapped Carra, Kynle was delivered at 10:57 a.m and was 5.7 pounds and was 18.5 inches long. They did not have to go to the NICU and was placed on oxygen for just a few minutes. A completely different situation than when Kasey and Janna were born. I went into recovery, and when the nurses knew that the girls could breath on their own and was doing well they brought the girls to me! We had lots of visitors that afternoon and everyone got to hold Carra and Kynle the day they were born. It was a Good Friday!!

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